Bedtime prayers

Putting little man to bed is one thing. Getting him to settle down and actually go to sleep is another thing entirely. Two nights ago, we're all three in his bed, snuggled up together. The giggles and wiggles have finally ceased, so it's time for bedtime prayers. All eyes closed, hands together, whispered prayers.

Dear God,
Tdank you for all the people and the city and mommy and daddy and tdank you for the planets and pluto and mars and tdank you for our house and our church......

Couple of things. Firstly: I'm not sure exactly how to spell thank you the way he says it, so that will have to do. It used to be Fank you, but now it's sort of a stuffy-nosed thank you, hence the 'tdank' you, above.

Secondly: I'm sure there was more to the prayer, but in all honesty - after the thank you for Pluto and Mars - I sort of stopped listening.
In all the prayers in all the world throughout time - y'think God has ever gotten one for Pluto and Mars???? Y' think He's up there saying, "Well, it's about time somebody recognized Pluto and Mars?"

And no, we didn't bother to tell little man that there has been some question as to the validity of Pluto actually being a planet. Why break a little guys heart?

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