Liar, liar, pants on fire.....

These are the facts:   The little man came home yesterday afternoon with a bag full of gifts purchased from the Santa Shop at his school.  Knowing good and well that I hadn't sent any money to school, I asked him where he'd gotten money for gifts.  He responded that he'd found $10 on the floor at school, and used that.  I told him he should have returned the money to his teacher or another adult, to which he said he had.  Now, we'd probably been talking about this for 5-6 minutes at this point and this was the first time he'd mentioned giving the money to anyone .   So, I tried to get him to backtrack and tell me the whole story again.  I had a feeling we were jumping into something I didn't want to think about:  outright lying.

He re-tells the whole incident.  This time, of course, adding the fact that he'd given his teacher the money.  I stopped him mid-story and asked him if he'd told her he'd found it:  "No."    Ok.   Then, what did she say when you handed her the money?  "Nothing."  
Hmm.  She said nothing when a 6 year old hands her a ten dollar bill?  (I said I thought we might have a case of lying going on, I didn't say he was very good at it.)
I told him I would be seeing his teacher in the morning (today) and I'd find out the truth, and gave him ample opportunity to come clean.  Nothing.  He stuck to his story.   Fast forward to this morning, on the way to school.

Car:  I have a crisp ten dollar bill in my pocket and a bunch of questions for the teacher.  I ask the child in the backseat if there was anything he wanted to tell me before we got to the school and I spoke to Mrs. H?   Nope.  Nothing.  

School:  Money in hand, I say good morning to Mrs. H.,  then start to say,  "Ben told me he found...."  But before I could even get the sentence out, she had a smile on her face and was holding out a piece of paper for me to read.  It was an email from another parent in the class.  Needless to say, the story my child told me and the story related on the email were not the same. 

The truth:  The other child was sent to school with $20 to use at the Santa Shop.  He made his purchases, and should have been given $11 back.  The money was given to Mrs. H. to be returned to the child.  Mrs. H. confirmed that she'd given the change to the child with the instructions to put it way deep into his pocket, so he wouldn't lose it.   This is where my sweet child comes into the story (and this is also where the story gets a wee bit confusing).    According to the email, at some point during the day, the little boy gave my child $10 to "rent" a book. (?)  Not one to let money sit around for long, Ben went on a shopping spree at the Santa Shop.   I don't know what else the little boy told his mom, but I do know now that the story we got was a complete falsehood.  

Where do we go from here?  When given multiple opportunities to redeem himself, he wouldn't.  I understand that maybe he thought since the little boy had given him the money, he felt like he could use it as he wished - but why would he make up a story about finding it?  And then,  knowing I'd find out the truth, he doggedly stuck to his story?!  

Well, hopefully, there will be no bad feelings between the children, his parents and our family.  I don't know them at all, I don't even know which child it is in the class - but we've returned the money, so I hope this is over and done with.  Mrs. H. said she'd go over the incident with both boys today and see what she could do to straighten things out. 

What's next? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'm not looking forward to dealing with lying. I remember getting in trouble for it when I was a kid. It just seems like such a hard thing for kids and parents. I hope you're able to help him learn what's right through this without too much trouble. <3


Comments are appreciated! (and I'm gettin' lonely here)