Had a great weekend with both sides of the family for Mother's Day. Spent Sunday morning at church with Nanny and Pop, then went to eat lunch with Granny at her assisted living facility, or her "house" according to Ben. After we stuffed ourselves on good, old-fashioned Southern cookin', we went down to the river to celebrate with my Mama. (where we had the opportunity, again, to stuff ourselves - I think we were pretty good, though. I only had strawberry shortcake, little man had 2 more deviled eggs....adding to the 4 he had at our first lunch)
It was really a beautiful, if not a little chilly, day. We had a fire in the fire pit where we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. Man! They're sweeter than I remembered from when I was a kid. (Oh yeah, I had s'mores too; guess I didn't do as well as I'd thought)
Our brother-in-law J brought his and the boys' kayaks. My little daredevil decided he'd like to try to kayak, too. So his Daddy snapped him in a life vest and helped him in his cousin's kayak. J taught him how to hold the paddle and off they went! This child knows no fear! He had a big smile on his face the entire time he was in the water....
We all got a little tickled when he got a bit too close to the pier across the inlet from my Aunt's place - bless his heart, he couldn't figure which way to paddle, so he pretty much crashed (gently) into the pier. Then, he couldn't quite figure out how to get out of his predicament, ie: how to "back it up". Uncle J came to the rescue though, then he was off again.
We left around 6 pm or so to head home. We weren't in the truck for 20-25 minutes when I looked in the back seat and the little guy was out cold; and yes, he then slept the entire trip. When we got home, his daddy carried him in the house and as we were walking, we asked him about his day and told him how proud we were of his kayaking 'abilities'.
His daddy said, "Boy, you can do anything, can't ya?"
Ben replied, "No. I can't do a back flip."
LOL! I guess everything else is a breeze, but those back flips - can't do 'em!!
My Mother's day was wonderful, too. I got a lovely card and some sweet-smelling lotion, shower gel and body spray from my little man (and his daddy). I also got hand-made cards and goodies that he made at school. My favorite gift of all? My baby climbing into bed with me Sunday morning, a sweet smile, and a whispered, "Good morning, Mama". Complete with hug and kiss.
I love being mama to this sweet, sweet boy.
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